Tom & Jerry Time!

         Good old Tom and Jerry batter

It was about this time last year, a friend got me hooked on Tom and Jerry’s. Actually, I should clarify, it was the Tom and Jerry batter that I got hooked on. And still am hooked on. I’m not much of a drinker, but I did try the classic version of a Tom and Jerry first, adding rum and brandy to the mix. I wasn’t too impressed. Maybe my portioning was off, but it tasted way too much like alcohol.  So after that, I started mixing the batter with just warm milk. Now that was delicious. I keep hearing stories about making homemade Tom & Jerry mix. But for now, Connolly seems to have done a swell job of making it for me.

        Who eats pie in a bowl?

This batter is really quite versatile. I started experimenting with different ways of using it. I may have ended up buying a few more than I was planning to drink. And according to the package, the shelf life is rather short once you open it. But I soon found that the batter was great for making French toast and pancakes. Most recently though, I found that adding it to hot chocolate, makes for a great drink.

The first snowfall calls for premium cocoa!

Speaking of hot chocolate. After a pretty warm start to November, on the 17th we finally started getting snow. So after work, I decided to pick up some hot chocolate mix to celebrate the first accumulation of snow. And I decided to go premium. I have to admit, I’m a little disappointed. Normally, I like Ghiradelli chocolate, it seems like it’s pretty good when it’s in bar form. But the cocoa mix, just didn’t seem to stand out. Considering the small bag was about the same price as a jar of Swiss Miss or Nestle. Also, as a side note, the weather has taken another turn again. The snow has all but disappeared again. Oh well, we still have a lot of winter left for snow and cold to return.

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