That Tingly ASMR Feeling

So, I’ve been listening to ASMR videos for a while now, maybe two years, but probably more. It’s been a surprisingly long time, now that I think about it. I’m not sure how I stumbled upon them, but I’ve been kind of addicted to them. Anyways, ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. Basically, it’s the relaxing, tingly feeling in the head and neck some people experience from, most often audio or visual stimuli. I usually just listen to the videos before bed or while I’m reading. So for me, it’s more about the audio. I don’t always experience the tingly feeling, though I did more often when I first found ASMR videos. Now, I think I just play them for the background noise. I hate reading when it’s too quite, my mind begins to wander. And I hate reading with music playing, because I get distracted. Same goes for having a tv playing in the background. Most of the ASMR videos I’ve found, have had just the right amount of noise to keep me focused on reading.

I find it kind of strange, some of the things that trigger it for me. I do love it when the ASMR artist -I think that’s what they prefer to be called- use a binaural mic. Some of the things that I found really trigger me are; ear blowing, inaudible/unintelligible whispering, layered sounds, and oddly, latex gloves. I do see a lot of roleplay type of videos, medical exams or dentist visit type of things. Those don’t really do much for me, probably because I’m terrified of both experiences. That does make me wonder why the sound of latex gloves triggers my ASMR? I usually associate latex gloves with either trips to the doctor or the dentist. Luckily, I’ve been able to get away with seeing both of them only twice a year.

Some of my favourite ASMR Artists include, but not limited to; Heather Feather, Cosmic Tingles, Caroline ASMR, WhispersRed, and ASMRMagic. The last two are from the UK, I believe. I think that may be part of the reason I like them. There is something about their accents that sometimes trigger the tingles. And don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of great ASMR Artists making videos. These just happen to be my favourite at the moment. I must give the people in this community some credit. Most of them seem to put a lot of work into making quality content.

Well, it seems to be getting late. I think it may be time to grab a good book and my headphones, find a great ASMR video, then drift off to dreamland.

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