Photography, Cameras, and Flickr!

She was having a bad hair day.

So, not too long ago I mentioned trying to get into photography, or at least try to get back into photography. Now, I’ve never had dreams of being a professional photographer. I’m not looking to have people pay me to take pictures of them. Though, that’s because portraits aren’t really my thing. I’m not really a people person. I might make an exception if Sports Illustrated needed me to take pics for their Swimsuit Edition. But anyways, let me get back on track. I just want to take better pictures than the average Joe, or Jane. And so, I had casually started looking through some photography books at different bookstores I visited. Eventually, I got curious enough, and just ordered one on Amazon. The reviews seemed pretty positive, and I vaguely remember fingering through it at one of the bookstores. Tony Northrup’s DSLR Book: How to Create Stunning Digital Photography.

I just received it a few days ago, and I haven’t really had time to read through all of it. I’ll admit that so far, I’m pleased with the purchase. The book itself, is nice to have, especially to brush up on some things that are a little fuzzy. But what’s really great, is that it’s full links to video tips found on his website. With the book and the videos, I’m confident I may learn a little something. Of course, I really ought to go and take some pictures to really get better at it.

Cody! He was upset I would not give him minnows to eat.

I’ve been thinking about upgrading to something bigger and better. The camera I currently use is getting kind of old, and probably not going to get my photos on the cover of National Geographic. But it’s been an okay camera for what I’ve used it for. By the way, it’s a Canon Digital Rebel XTi. I remember getting it when I first went away to college. Before that, I had been using the a Canon Rebel Ti 35mm camera. And while the Canon cameras have treated me well, I’ve been thinking about switching to Nikon. From most of the things I’ve seen, the Nikon bodies are bit better than Canon. The way it sounds though, is that Canon seems to have better lens options. The lenses are one the things that makes me not want to switch. But that’s more because I have invested money into a few Canon lenses, I don’t want to start all over again.

When I started getting back into the photography stuff, I remembered that I had put stuff on Flickr. Although, I haven’t been on Flickr in quite some time. Heck, I wasn’t even sure it was still there. Stuff on the internet seems to come and go. But Flickr is still there, and so is my account. It kind of surprised me what I had on there. For some reason, I had put some screen captures of some game I had been playing at the time I started my Flickr account. Don’t know why I did that, but I must have had a reason. There were also two really cool pictures I took of some ducks, doing ducky things. You know, that reminds me, I also have a Youtube account, from way back when. I really wish I had kept up with that, I could have been a Youtube star by now. Considering I made that account back in the early days of Youtube.

Anyways, maybe I’ll call it day. Start thinking of great things to take pictures of, and creative videos to make.

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