One of Those Days

I’ll just start by saying, it’s October. Yay! I like October, maybe enough to consider it my favourite month. A lot of it has to due with Halloween, but October really seems to begin to feel like Autumn, and I like Autumn. I know, September 22 is officially the first day of Autumn, but September never seems to want to give up Summer without a fight.

But I digress. The real topic today is, Days! More so, how days of the week seem to have a feeling of their own. And what I mean by that is, if I went a month without a calendar to tell me what day of the week it is, I feel like I would know which one it is. Maybe I’m just crazy, but I feel like each day has a distinct feeling to it. I can’t always explain it, but it’s there.

One day that really sticks out are Sundays, there is definitely something about Sundays. No matter how bright and sunny, how great things are going, or what’s happening on Monday, Sundays always seem to have a somber feel to them. I guess, when I think about it, the feeling may come from years of going to school. Sunday was always that last day of freedom, before being stuck in class for another five days. The fact that I also had a habit of procrastinating may play into it. Normal homework assignments, I usually would do Friday night and not have to worry about them. But larger projects, I used to hold off until Sunday. And then it would be a mad rush to get them done. This seems like it could explain the feeling of Sunday.

I was thinking about this today, as I was doing something in the yard, watching the sun quickly disappear. It’s just kind of weird, you get this feeling and think, “Yep, it’s Sunday.” Maybe it’s just me, I don’t know.

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