
So, I’ve been listening to ASMR videos for a while now, maybe two years, but probably more. It’s been a surprisingly long time, now that I think about it. I’m not […]

Small Victories!

Sometimes, I like to stop and take a moment to really appreciate the little things in life. What little thing am I speaking of currently? Socks! More specifically, not losing […]

So, I was looking at trucks the other day. I like my Tacoma, it’s been a pretty good vehicle. But for some reason, I had an urge to trade it […]

Happy Canada Day!

Okay, so that’s probably not the best representation of Canada. But, unfortunately I seem to have misplaced my other, better Canada pics. I came across these while wandering the main […]

A Picture is Worth...

Well, it’s the last day of June, and apparently I haven’t been on here this month. I could have sworn I posted something early in June. Guess not. With one […]

A Little R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

Well, this little experiment hasn’t been turning out to be what I thought it was. I guess, I really didn’t like writing random stuff as much as I thought I […]

More on the Why

I’ve had an on and off again urge to start a blog for quite some time now. There are many reasons I have for wanting to start one. Some of it […]

Does It Make A Sound?

There is an old philosophical question that asks, “If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” I’m sure […]