What’s this all about!

First time selfie. Guess I need some work at it.
First time selfie. Guess I need some work at it.

Hopefully, that title was a little more creative than just “About.” And if you’re reading this, it must have grabbed your attention.

Where to start? So, one day, I decided I wanted to start a blog. After a little time thinking about it and doing my homework, I thought it was finally time. So, here we go! Sure, it’s probably been about 10 years since I first thought about it. But hey you can’t rush perfection, right? I may be a little late to the party, but I’ll give it my best.

So, what will you find here? I do like to consider myself kind of a Jack-of-all-trades. My list of interests is long, ranging from, but not limited to: movies, music, books, the outdoors, cars, games, and most importantly, science! I didn’t spend my college years studying Biology and Chemistry for nothing. Though, if you know me, I kind of did…

I guess, just as a final bit about myself. I’m kind of an introvert, I’ll admit that. I live in the northern reaches of Minnesota. I feel like that didn’t really help me break out of being an introvert. But hey, I’ve adapted. Anyways, I’ll probably come back to this section, spruce it up a little.