Does It Make A Sound?

One of many sketches that I've been working on for this site.
One of many rough sketches that I’ve been working on for this site.

There is an old philosophical question that asks, “If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” I’m sure everyone has heard this at some point in their lives. And if not, well, I guess I just blew your mind. Anyways, I was looking for a catchy title to use for an introduction, and this is what I settled with. Interestingly enough, a quick Google search of that question brought about some fun Quantum Mechanics related stuff. I had not been expecting to see that.  So, what does this have to do with this post, or blog? Nothing, really. But hopefully it was enough to catch your attention, and kept you reading so far.

Maybe I’ll make this more of a proper introduction. I’m a bit of a hermit, I’ll admit that. I thought that maybe if I started a blog, that it may help me become a little less of a shut in. If I’m going to blog about stuff, I need to start doing stuff. So now, after 10 years of  thinking about this, here it is! I probably should have tried this blogging thing earlier. Hopefully, I can stay motivated to keep up regular posts, and more importantly, interesting posts. It didn’t work so well when I tried to start a Youtube channel. This was back when Youtube was still relatively new. I kick myself for not ever keeping up with it. I could have been a Youtube star!

So, I haven’t really decided on a direction to take with this project. I’ve had thoughts about trying to make a slightly newsy sort of blog. But because of where I live, not a whole lot happens that is news worthy. However, I do have a lot of other interests. Do expect to see lots of posts on birds, insects, cars, the outdoors, tv, movies, music, video games, and of course, science! I guess, having some direction is probably pretty important. But as with much of what I do, I guess I’ll just roll with it.

What’s in a name? If you’ve made it this far, you’re probably thinking, “Gee, this isn’t exactly eloquent.” You’re probably correct in thinking that. I’m not sure how the name came to me, but this is the one that stuck. I had made a long list of names that I had planned on using. Unfortunately, a lot of them were being used in some form, or another.

I will admit, I did put a little thought into the evergreen portion of the name. First, I like evergreens, more specifically, conifers. But where I live, conifers are the only trees that stay green all year. So spruce, cedar, and pine trees are what come to mind when I think evergreens.  Plus, The Eloquent Conifer, doesn’t have the same ring to it. Secondly, and more importantly, to me evergreen, always seemed like a positive word. Like always looking to the bright side. And that’s what I would like to do more often. Using the word “evergreen,” I was hoping this would keep me in a positive and motivated mind set.

And so, I’m probably going wrap this intro up. After a quick read through, it seems more like rambling than an introduction. I think this is certainly going to be a learning experience. Maybe this could become something I’m good at. I guess only time will tell.

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