A Picture is Worth…

Looking out my bathroom window during a thunderstorm.

Well, it’s the last day of June, and apparently I haven’t been on here this month. I could have sworn I posted something early in June. Guess not. With one day left of the month, now is the time.

Just a few marigolds along the garden.


So, I’ll admit, I’m not a photographer. I don’t claim to be one, and I’m not striving to become one. I just like taking pictures sometimes. The problem is, those times are few and far between. Long enough time passes, that I tend to forget how to really use my camera. But recently, I decided I wanted to get back into it.

Because, why not? I like birds.

Astrophotography and weather related pictures have my attention at the moment. I’ve seen some really awesome pictures of the night sky. There is something about the colours I’ve seen, that I really like. And for the weather stuff, I just want to get one of those great lightning pictures.

Just a quick pic of the sky with a new lens.

I didn’t put a whole lot of energy into the picture right above this. I had just gotten off work, and new lens I had order was at home waiting for me. It was probably around 11pm, and there were a few stars out I could see. It certainly turned out a lot brighter than I expected. I’m chalking that up to taking it in my driveway, with street light right behind me.

Anyways, I figure this could be a good end of June post. And hey, who knows. This could give me motivation to do stuff.

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