A Little R.E.S.P.E.C.T.


Well, this little experiment hasn’t been turning out to be what I thought it was. I guess, I really didn’t like writing random stuff as much as I thought I would. Now, you could call this my first real “post,” considering it’s more than just some introductory stuff. Unfortunately, it’s going to be more of a rant. I’m not sure I should be starting off with a rant post, but sometimes you just need to blow off steam. So, here we go!

Cell phones… Quite an impressive piece of technology, that is, when they work properly. But, that’s not what I’m grumbling about. No, that’s a rant for another day. My issue is, how everyone seems to be constantly connected to their phones. It’s almost as if people have phones permanently attached to their ears. It doesn’t matter where they are: in their cars, in the grocery store, at a restaurant; heck, even sitting in the dentist chair. Is it too much to expect just a smidgen of respect for the people around you?

I guess, I’m probably in the minority, I barely even know how to turn my volume back on. My phone, especially when I’m in public, is almost always on vibrate. And maybe I’m wrong in my way of thought, but I felt I was being considerate of those around me by leaving my phone on silent or vibrate. It also could be just me, but I can think of very little reasons for me to answer my phone in a check-out line, or in the doctor’s office.

 Now, another thing that bothers me about people and their cell phone use, why invite people out if all you do is talk on the phone? I can’t count the number of times I’ve gone over to someone’s house, or out for lunch, and they spend the time chatting on their phones. What’s the point of having company around if you just ignore them? I mean, I’m not always a people person, but if I’m going to invite someone over, I’m going to give them my attention.

It sometimes makes me wonder how we managed to survive before cell phones existed. Of course, I can’t blame cell phones. In fact, I should give them more credit, they really have had some positive effects. No, as usually, people are to blame. Maybe people should be made to take etiquette classes. I don’t know, I guess there isn’t much I can do. I’ve said my part, I’ll leave it at that.

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