Happy 150, Canada!

Well, I figured it had been quite a while since I had posted. So why not make a Happy Canada Day post! Happy 150th Birthday to you, Canada!

River Monsters!

So, I like that show, River Monsters, on Animal Planet. Unfortunately, last night was the start of the final season. And I thought maybe I would show off a couple […]

RIP Klaus

I need a moment to mourn the loss of my little buddy. I don’t really remember how old he was, but he was maybe about the size of his head […]

A Tale of Regrets

For not even being at the half way point- I hope -of my life, I feel I’ve got a lot of regrets. Some revolve around ladyfolk. Many revolve around education and […]


Well, add another random project to the list of my half-attempted things I don’t see through. Lately I’ve been thinking about creating a podcast. I mean, this isn’t exactly a […]

It’s Friday, and no music again. Apparently, I’m just not motivated enough to do this sort of stuff. I was thinking of music to talk about, but I just didn’t […]

If you have any questions, ask John or myself. Question! Where did you learn to use “myself” incorrectly? I’ll admit, I’m not an English teacher; I’m far from being one. […]

Tom & Jerry Time!

It was about this time last year, a friend got me hooked on Tom and Jerry’s. Actually, I should clarify, it was the Tom and Jerry batter that I got hooked […]

I’ll just start by saying, it’s October. Yay! I like October, maybe enough to consider it my favourite month. A lot of it has to due with Halloween, but October […]

Photography, Cameras, and Flickr!

So, not too long ago I mentioned trying to get into photography, or at least try to get back into photography. Now, I’ve never had dreams of being a professional […]